Sunday, May 31, 2009

Healthy Eating & Diet: Eating Essentials

Healthy Eating & Diet: Eating Essentials: "Eating Essentials

Time to make some changes in your diet? Learn all about the food guide pyramid, remarkable vitamins, the best super foods, calorie requirements, and more.

Balancing Act

The new food pyramid gives you the best choices for your busy lifestyle. Learn why getting closer to the guidelines is a good step in the right direction

How to select whole-grain foods packed with fiber and vitamins, plus easy ways to fit more whole grains into your diet."

Learn all about fruits, how many servings you need daily, and what fruits can do to boost your health.

Discover the different types of protein foods included in the meats and beans group. Find out how much you need daily from this group depending on your age, sex, and physical activity.

Learn about the different types of dairy products that are high in calcium and low in fat. Discover how many servings you and your family need each day.

Find out if you are eating healthy fats or unhealthy fats. Learn more about healthy oils and how many servings you need daily.

Learn all about the different food groups and calorie and portion sizes you and your family need each day.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

ABS Lights - warning signs of brakes gone bad or a symbolic of something else

The brake warning light came on my car today. This can only mean one thing : an expensive repair and a car that is not safe to drive, so I have to do something about it now. Sigh.

So let's try to turn this around into something positive. Instead of it being a situation that creates intense panic- let's diffuse the panic and deal with the fear.

Let's suspend reality for 30 seconds here and say the ABS light coming on is symbolic warning sign that correlates to fear of financial stress. Since the light on my dashboard has captured my attention, what am I supposed to learn from and change in this situation? There's that stinkin' fear again creeping into my consciousness......

The deeper meaning behind the light coming on reveals fear of financial stress and causes me much distress. In fact, I am consumed with worry--NOT ON THE ROAD TO FINANCIAL PEACE right now, are we?

So face the fear. OK.

Fear could be defined as FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL.

Well, what is the false evidence? What exactly am I afraid of?

Answer: Not having the money to pay for it and wiping out my savings as my small savings accounts offers me a tiny measure of security. My security is gone with the zero balance in my savings account. That is really what I am afraid of - loss of security.

What is the false evidence? I would have to say it is because I am seeking security in the ability to accrue savings, which should be replaced with a security in God's provision for me.

Contemplative Focus:

Who we are never changes. Who we think we are does.

Mary S. Almanac
more famous quotes

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Face the Fear

Fear and Faith
Two polar opposites. It is impossible to be full of faith and fear at the same time.
I have faith that my future can be one of financial peace. But to be fully confident of that, I have to face my fear.
What am I fearful about? What is any one fearful about right now?
The economy. Job security. The expenses being greater than the income in my budget.The unplanned for expense that always seems to creep up no matter how carefully I plan.....
The way to manage my fears is to trust that God will take care of me, be confident in my ability to manage my resources to keep within in my budget and just relax.
After all, the beginning of anxiety is the end of faith.
Contemplation Focus:
The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety.

George E. Mueller
1918-, American Engineer
more famous quotes

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Poverty Mentality

How do the rich think?

What's it like to not have to worry about money? What do rich people do the day before payday? Do they open their wallets and look at the emptiness of it like the rest of us do?

I am learning what rich people think like. So far I have learned:

  • they don't accrue debt
  • they pay cash for their cars by saving up for them
  • they are frugal
  • they shop carefully-looking for the best price
  • they plan their spending before they spend their money, every dollar gets a designated category
  • they understand the concept of saying "no" financially-DISCIPLINE
  • they are not impulse buyers

I will observe carefully to see what else I can learn from a rich person. I am sure there is more I can learn to change a poverty mentality. I never really realized it before-rich people and poor people think about and interact with money in totally different ways.

I want to think like a rich person!

Contemplation focus: "Poverty is a state of mind." Dave Ramsey

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Change-and I'm not talking menopause.........

Shaping behaviour through change is hard to do. Falling into the old habits is SO much easier! Let's say I set a goal, then follow the steps to achieving the goal. What keeps me from reaching that goal?

Is it mental attitude?

Is it familiarity with the old behavior and how comfortable that is?

It is a lack of desire to change or to follow through on changing the bad behavior?

Yes, yes and yes.

Why do diets fail? Or for that matter, why is any behavior change unsuccessful?What is the one thing that keeps me from losing weight, sticking to a budget or any other behavior I am trying to change?

I would have to say it is in the mind-the mental arena is where change takes place. Your thoughts govern your actions, so without the proper mindset and mental attitude-that is why I keep 'going around the same mountain" so-to-speak.

The mind is the battleground and the fertile breeding ground for change.

Contemplation focus:
The mind must see visual achievement of the purpose before action is initiated.

Mack R. Douglas
more famous quotes

Monday, May 25, 2009

Diet and Budgets!

Budgets and diets. Two entities that require self discipline to be successful at. One problem-lack of self control---- two different entities-sticking to a budget and following a diet plan.

So how does one one change any behavior that they do not like or want to have anymore?
  • Have measurable and track able goals
  • Possess the desire and will to change
  • Need for accountability
  • The desire to change must be stronger than the compulsion to regress and fall back into the old patterns of behavior that just don't work anymore.
  • Cultivate and keep a positive mental attitudeExtend forgiveness to yourself when you make a mistake because no body is perfect
  • Never QUIT, because quitters never win!

Contemplation focus:Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.Karen Kaiser Clark